The Most Popular Faux Painting Trends of 2019
If you thought faux painting was passé, think again. Faux decorative finishes are making a resurgence in the world of high-end interior design, and it’s easy to see why.
Bringing Your Historic Home Back to Life: Restoration or Renovation?
If you’re thinking about making improvements to your historic home, it’s important to know the difference between restoring and renovating when determining which approach is best suited for your period-style home.
4 Simple Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Your Older Home This Winter
We’re no strangers to the charm of historic homes. Here in Westchester and Fairfield counties, it has been our privilege to restore, remodel, and expand many beautiful old properties. In fact, it’s one of our specialties. As alluring as sun-soaked hardwood, picture windows, fireplaces, and sprawling layouts can be, there is no denying that efficiency […]