Selecting Spring Paint Colors

Regardless of what the groundhog said, Spring is just around the corner, and everyone is considering their options for new paint colors and preparing for spring cleaning. We understand that you probably don’t paint for every season, but with spring so close, we decided to focus on lovely pastels and stormy contrasting colors. Let’s get started, shall we?

When choosing the perfect interior paint for your home, your personality and personal tastes should be the primary factors. The color of a room accounts for roughly 60% of our comfort level in that room. Study your personal color psychology to fully understand how colors affect you and why.

People who enjoy a spring color pallet usually look forward to the vibrant colors of nature in the springtime because those colors bring them a sense of happiness and hope. Here are a few great ideas for going from drab to fab using a gorgeous spring color pallet:

Use Unlikely Colors as Contrast

Think for a moment about that lovely blue springtime sky. Drastic and dramatic colors often complement it, such as white clouds on a pretty day or dark gray clouds on a potentially stormy day. Consider where you could use those beautifully contrasting colors in your home. Here are a few ideas:

  • White walls with blue or gray trim
  • Blue walls with white or gray trim
  • Gray walls with white or blue trim

Contrast doesn’t have to be dark trim against light walls; the opposite is equally as beautiful and delivers a much different feeling from a room.

Use Bright Colors to Contrast Pastels

Take some inspiration from the colors of Easter. Pastel colored walls with brightly colored trim really bring out the beauty of a room. For example, consider pastel yellow walls with bright orange trim in your child’s play room. Think of it as a marigold garden room. The contrasting colors invite the eye to explore different areas of the room. Decorate with items that create the overall feel needed for the room.

Use “You” Colors The last think you should think when you enter a room is, “this just isn’t me.” Choose colors that fit your

personality and personal sense of style. Don’t try to mimic a picture from a magazine that isn’t you. Tips to Help You on Your Way

Take it Slowly: Work on one room or one area at a time until it feels perfect. Choose a small area of your home to start with so you can see the results more quickly.Take Risks: Don’t worry if you mess up or choose colors poorly at first. All it takes is a quick repaint to cover the color you’re unhappy with, and you’re done.

Ask a Professional: If you aren’t comfortable choosing colors and doing the painting yourself, or you simply don’t have the time, ask a professional painting contractor for help. Our contractors will work with you to create the perfect space throughout your home. Give us a call any time for a free consultation.